ໃໝ່ ສ່ວນປະກອບຕ່າງໆ ສຳລັບຂາຍ ໃນ ໂພນໂຮງ ວຽງຈັນ ID 68753
LAK 8,761,295

MSI GeForce RTX 2060 6GB Gaming Z Graphics Card

ໂພນໂຮງ, ວຽງຈັນ
24 Sep 2021
our market is through product / service differentiation. unique offer for its consumers, then loyalty and product / service differentiation occurs.
Competitive cost advantages can easily disappear with the introduction of a new competitor or new technology.
Our company offers a unique product and service, it is more difficult to maintain an advantage in the market based solely on price.
we must offer something to the consumer in addition to a low price.
