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Welcome to , Lao's leading general classifieds and online shopping platform.

Whether you are looking to buy or sell new and used vehicles, find a new home, computers, phones, house equipment, fashion, health and beauty products, services, or just about anything else, is the best place to start from! Browse all our categories to find what you're looking for.

If you're looking to sell your items we offer a variety of advertising options.

For Businesses and Retailers:

Get in touch with us via the dedicated form to find out what package best suits your needs. Whether you're a services provider or a retail business we have several options that will help you boost your online presence and sales. Some of these options include:

  • We will help you build and personalise your unique online shop window on which you can use to promote you business online.
  • We will offer you tools to feature your items and make them appear in prominent positions where potential buyers have a higher chance to convert and buy your products.
  • We will offer you a variety of other tools such as banner ads, marketing promotions on social media networks, email campaigns, radio, sms and much more in one simple solution aimed to help grow your business.

For Individuals:

Individual sellers on Yula can register for free and start selling their items straight away. To help sell you faster we offer you a range of options to promote your products such as:

  • Featuring your listings so that they appear in more prominent positions on the website.
  • We will offer you marketing packages that will boost the reach of your items across social media platforms and our database.

If you are interested in building your business online and would like to know more, please fill in the form below to discuss your needs.

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