Health Care Fashion, Health, Beauty and Baby Dans Sisattanak Vientiane Capital ID 73998
LAK 324,000

Zip whey Protein Plus

Le district de Sisattanak, Vientiane la Capitale
22 Dec 2021
“Zip Whey Protein Plus”
"Fast food" full of flour and fat.
return to the main meal that we always choose...
As a result, we are overweight. until being "obese"
eating large amounts of food
but not receiving complete nutrients in all 5 groups
All of them are habitual behaviors that destroy health. and cause various diseases Therefore, it is the origin of...
Meal replacement supplement products (Use as a meal replacement and weight control)
Its main active ingredient consists of 3 Multiproteins:
Whey Protein, Soy Protein, Yeast Protein
imported from USA
Contains 70 types of vitamins and minerals from the deep sea.
with dietary fiber, Fiber Complex
“Zip Whey Protein Plus”
Comes in the form of drinking powder Korean Banana Milk
Delicious meals with benefits from complete nutrients that enhances the efficiency of building muscles Good effect on the metabolism Reduces appetite and cravings for sweets Full for a long time. Stay in the stomach. Ready to balance the digestive system.
Because life is good... Start with a good meal Zip Whey Protein Plus (1 box contains 7 sachets)
Whey protein imported from the United States.
Passed the inspection from the Food and Drug Administration.
Registration number 13-1-01760-5-0123
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